The challenge
Al Taweelah’s Anode Baking furnace was initially installed in 2010. Over time, the heating and cooling of furnaces affects the refractory bricks of the furnace walls and eventually they required full refurbishment. The availability of anodes is an important limiting factor on the metal production, making this project key to our client’s overall success in 2021.
More than 380 people worked on the refurbishment project, replacing 20,000 tons of refractory bricks in just 93 days. The project was carried out sequentially, so anode baking could continue in some sections while others were refurbished nearby. During the refurbishment, ABF1’s control system was also upgraded, which will help improve the efficiency of the process, delivering cost and environmental benefits.
The main hazard was working at height and, with the Safety Department, the team conducted extensive training, safety drills, hazard reporting and on-site safety leadership.
The technically-challenging periodic refurbishment of ABF1 was completed safely, with zero LTIs and no COVID-19 cases in the workforce, and ahead of schedule. This now enables EGA to produce 1,800 more baked anodes than originally budgeted, helping them boost metal production in the coming weeks at a time when the aluminum market is strong and profitability on sales is high.
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