2024 General Shareholders’ Meeting

2024 General Shareholders’ Meeting
Dominion Global

2024 AGM deferred broadcast 

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2024 General Shareholders' Meeting


By the resolution of the Board of Directors of Global Dominion Access, S.A. (the “Company”) the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company is called to hold a meeting on 22 of April 2024 at 12pm on first call and, if applicable, the following day at the same time in second call, at the headquarters of the company located at Pio Baroja Square, 3 (Bilbao).

Documents (in Spanish) made available to the shareholders can be accessed below:

- Presentation of the CEO

Announcement and AGM agenda 

- Access the recording of the AGM

Right to information. Documents available to the shareholders:

Documents (in Spanish) made available to the shareholders can be accessed below:

*Documents in English will be attached shortly

  1. Complete text of the proposals for agreements relating to the points of the Agenda, submitted by the Board of Directors: Resolution Proposals (Spanish)
    1. Report issued by the Board of Directors in relation to resolution to be taken under point 6 of the AGM agenda (Spanish)
  2. The complete sets of the Annual Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Annual Report, Statement of Changes in Equity and Cash Flow) and the Management Report for the Company and its Consolidated Group, for FY2023, as well as the respective Account Auditor Reports
    1. Global Dominion Access, S.A (English)
    2. Global Dominion Access, S.A. and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group) (Spanish)
  3. The Annual Corporate Governance Report for FY2023, approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting on 27 February, 2024 (Spanish)
  4. The Annual Directors' Remuneration Report for FY2023, approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 27 February, 2024 (Spanish)
  5. Consolidated non-financial information report dated 31 December 2023 including auditors' report. (Spanish)
  6. Annual report of the Audit and Compliance Committee for FY2023 (Spanish)
  7. Report on the independence of the Auditors of Accounts referred to in article 529 quaterdecies of the Capital Companies Law (Spanish)
  8. Annual activity report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (Spanish)
  9. Informative document on online vote (Spanish)
  10. Informative document on delegation of vote in the Assembly (Spanish)
  11. Regulations of the Shareholders’ Digital Forum
  12. Attendance, delegation and voting documents
    1. Attendance Letter Template (Spanish)
    2. Distance delegation Template (Spanish)
    3. Delegation by post and email Template (Spanish)
2022 General Shareholders' Meeting

 By the resolution of the Board of Directors of Global Dominion Access, S.A. (the “Company”) the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company is called to hold a meeting on 10 May 2022 at 12:30 pm on first call and, if applicable, the following day at the same time in second call, at Dominion's corporate offices at Bilbao (Bizkaia), Bizkaia Aretoa, Avenida Abandoibarra, 3, Bilbao.

Documents made available to the shareholders can be accessed below:

- Call and agenda of the Meeting

- Access to the virtual attendance platform

Right to information. Documents available to the shareholders

  1. Complete text of the proposals for agreements relating to the points of the Agenda, submitted by the Board of Directors:  Proposals for resolutions (in spanish)
    1. Report issued by the Board of Directors in relation to resolution to be taken under point 6 of the agenda (in Spanish)
  2. The complete test of the Annual Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Annual Report, Statement of Changes in  Equity and Cash Flow) and the Management Report for the Company and its Consolidated Group,  for FY 2021, as well as the respective Account Auditor Reports.
    1. Global Dominion Access, S.A (in Spanish)
    2. Global Dominion Access, S.A. and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group) (in Spanish)
  3. The Annual Report on Corporate Governance relating to FY 2021, approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting on 22 February, 2022 (in Spanish)
  4. Annual Report on the Remuneration of the Board of Directors for FY 2021, approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 22 February, 2022 (in Spanish)
  5. Consolidated non-financial information report dated 31 December, 2021 (including auditors' report) (in Spanish)
  6. Annual report of the Audit and Compliance Committee for FY 2021 (in Spanish)
  7. Report on the independence of the Auditors of Accounts referred to in article 529 quaterdecies of the Capital Companies Law (in Spanish)
  8. Annual activity report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (in Spanish)
  9. Directors' Remuneration Policy (in Spanish)
  10. Informative document on delegation of vote in the Assembly (in Spanish)
  11. Regulations of the Shareholders’ Digital Forum
  12. Attendance, delegation and voting documents (in Spanish)
    1. Attendance letter template
    2. Delegation by post template
    3. Email vote template
    4. Distance vote template
  13. Informative document on online vote (in Spanish)
2021 General Shareholders' Meeting

 By the resolution of the Board of Directors of Global Dominion Access, S.A. (the “Company”) the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company is called to hold a meeting on 13 April 2021 at 12:30 pm on first call and, if applicable, the following day at the same time in second call, at Dominion's corporate offices at Ibañez de Bilbao 28, 8º piso, 48009, Bilbao.

Documents made available to the shareholders can be accessed below:

Call and agenda of the Meeting

- Access to the virtual attendance platform

Right to information. Documents available to the shareholders

  1. Complete text of the proposals for agreements relating to the points of the Agenda, submitted by the Board of Directors:  Proposals for resolutions (in spanish)
    1. Report issued by the Board of Directors in relation to resolution to be taken under point 6 of the agenda (in Spanish)
  2. The complete test of the Annual Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Annual Report, Statement of Changes in  Equity and Cash Flow) and the Management Report for the Company and its Consolidated Group,  for FY 2020, as well as the respective Account Auditor Reports.
    1. Global Dominion Access, S.A (in Spanish)
    2. Global Dominion Access, S.A. and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group) (in Spanish)
  3. The Annual Report on Corporate Governance relating to FY 2020, approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting on 22 February, 2022 (in Spanish)
  4. Annual Report on the Remuneration of the Board of Directors for FY 2020, approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 22 February, 2020 (in Spanish)
  5. Consolidated non-financial information report dated 31 December, 2020 (including auditors' report) (in Spanish)
  6. Information relating to the segregation of Global Dominion Access, S.A. (segregated company)
    1. Common project of segregation (in Spanish)
    2. Annual accounts Dominion Global Acdess S.A (in Spanish)
    3. Articles of association of Global Dominion Access S.A (in Spanish)
    4. Identity of directors of the companies participating in the merger (in Spanish)
  7. Annual report of the Audit and Compliance Committee for FY 2020 (in Spanish)
  8. Report on the independence of the Auditors of Accounts referred to in article 529 quaterdecies of the Capital Companies Law (in Spanish)
  9. Annual activity report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee (in Spanish)
  10. Directors' Remuneration Policy (in Spanish)
  11. Informative document on delegation of vote in the Assembly (in Spanish)
  12. Regulations of the Shareholders’ Digital Forum
  13. Attendance, delegation and voting documents (in Spanish)
    1. Attendance letter template
    2. Delegation by post template
    3. Email vote template
    4. Distance vote template
  14. Informative document on online vote (in Spanish)
2023 General Shareholders' Meeting


By the resolution of the Board of Directors of Global Dominion Access, S.A. (the “Company”) the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company is called to hold a meeting on 26 of April 2023 at 12:30pm on first call and, if applicable, the following day at the same time in second call, at the Hotel Mercure Jardines de Albia located within Calle San Vicente, 6 , Bilbao.

Documents (in Spanish) made available to the shareholders can be accessed below:

*Documents in English will be attached shortly

- Presentation of the CEO

Announcement and AGM agenda 

- Access the recording of the AGM

Right to information. Documents available to the shareholders:

  1. Complete text of the proposals for agreements relating to the points of the Agenda, submitted by the Board of Directors: Resolution Proposals
    1. Report issued by the Board of Directors in relation to resolution to be taken under point 6 of the AGM agenda
  2. The complete sets of the Annual Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Annual Report, Statement of Changes in Equity and Cash Flow) and the Management Report for the Company and its Consolidated Group, for FY2021, as well as the respective Account Auditor Reports
    1. Global Dominion Access, S.A
    2. Global Dominion Access, S.A. and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group)
  3. The Annual Corporate Governance Report for FY2022, approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting on 22 February, 2023 
  4. The Annual Directors' Remuneration Report for FY2022, approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 22 February, 2023 
  5. Consolidated non-financial information report dated 31 December 2022 (including auditors' report)
  6. Annual report of the Audit and Compliance Committee for FY2022
  7. Report on the independence of the Auditors of Accounts referred to in article 529 quaterdecies of the Capital Companies Law
  8. Annual activity report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee
  9. Informative document on online vote
  10. Informative document on delegation of vote in the Assembly
  11. Regulations of the Shareholders’ Digital Forum
  12. Attendance, delegation and voting documents
    1. Attendance Letter Template
    2. Distance delegation Template
    3. Delegation by post and email Template
2019 General Shareholders' Meeting

By the resolution of the Board of Directors of Global Dominion Access, S.A. (the “Company), the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company is called to hold a meeting on 7 May 2019 at 12:30 pm on first call and, if applicable, the following day at the same time in second call, in Bilbao.,  at the Bilbao Stock Exchange, Calle Jose Mª Olabarri, 1.

Documents made available to the shareholders can be accessed below: 

Presentation of the CEO

- Agreements adopted by the General Shareholders' Meeting

- Call and agenda of the Meeting

- Proposals for resolutions

- Documents available for the shareholder

  1. Complete text of the proposals for agreements relating to the points of the Agenda, submitted by the Board of Directors together with the directors' report regarding items five and seven of the agenda
  1. Directors' reports regarding items five and seven on the agenda at the 2019 Ordinary General Meeting
    1. Item five
    2. Item seven
    3. The complete test of the Annual Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Annual Report, Statement of Changes in Equity and Cash Flow) and the Management Report for the Company and its Consolidated Group, for FY 2018, as well as the respective Account Auditor Reports.

- Requests for information or clarification raised by shareholders

- Proxy votes

- Distance voting at the General Meetings

- Access to the Shareholders’ Digital Forum (regulations of the forum)

- Information on the organisation of the General Meetings

2020 General Shareholders' Meeting

By the resolution of the Board of Directors of Global Dominion Access, S.A. (the “Company”) the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting of the Company is called to hold a meeting on 6 May 2020 at 12:30 pm on first call and, if applicable, the following day at the same time in second call, at Dominion's corporate offices at Ibañez de Bilbao 28, 8º piso, 48009, Bilbao.

Documents made available to the shareholders can be accessed below:


2020 GSM deferred broadcast

Presentation of the CEO

Agreements adopted by the General Shareholders' Meeting

Call and agenda of the Meeting

- Additional call (29/04/2020): : extraordinary measures

- Access to the virtual attendance platform

- Right to information. Documents available to the shareholders

  1. Complete text of the proposals for agreements relating to the points of the Agenda, submitted by the Board of Directors:  Proposals for resolutions
    1. Report issued by the Board of Directors in relation to resolution to be taken under point 6 of the agenda
    2. Report issued by the Board of Directors in relation to resolution to be taken under point 9 of the agenda
    3. Report issued by the Board of Directors in relation to resolution to be taken under points 12 to 22 of the agenda
    4. Report issued by the Appointments and Remuneration Committee in relation to resolution to be taken under points 12 to 22  of the agenda: 1. Appointing of new members of the Board; 2.Report issued by the ARC in relation to the re-election of independent board members; 3.. Report issued by the ARC in relation to the re-election of non-independent board members
  1. The complete test of the Annual Accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Annual Report, Statement of Changes in  Equity and Cash Flow) and the Management Report for the Company and its Consolidated Group,  for FY 2019, as well as the respective Account Auditor Reports.
    1. Global Dominion Access, S.A
    2. Global Dominion Access, S.A. and Subsidiaries (Consolidated Group)
  1. The Annual Report on Corporate Governance relating to FY 2019, approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting on 25 February, 2020 (included in the annual accounts, document no. 2)
  1. Annual Report on the Remuneration of the Board of Directors for FY 2019, approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting of 25 February, 2020
  1.   Consolidated non-financial information report dated 31 December, 2019 (including auditors' report)
  1. Information relating to the absorption merge operation to be undertaken by Global Dominion Access, S.A. (Absorbing company) and Dominion Smart Solutions, S.A.U., Beroa Thermal Energy, S.L.U., Visual Line, S.L.U., ECI Telecom Ibérica, S.A.U., Dominion West África, S.L.U. and Wind Recycling, S.L.U. (Absorbed companies)
    1. Merger Operation Project
    2. Annual accounts and management report of Global Dominion Access S.A. (2019), Beroa Thermal Energy, S.L.U. (2019), Visual Line, S.L.U. (2019), ECI Telecom Ibérica, S.A.U. (2019), Dominion West África, S.L.U.  (2019) y Wind Recycling, S.L.U. (2019). The 2019 annual accounts correspond with the merger balance sheets
    3. Articles of association of Global Dominion Access S.A
    4. Identity of directors of the companies participating in the merger
  1.  Annual report of the Audit and Compliance Committee for FY 2019
  1.  Report on the independence of the Auditors of Accounts referred to in article 529 quaterdecies of the Capital Companies Law
  1. Annual activity report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee
  1.  Directors' Remuneration Policy
  1. Informative document on delegation of vote in the Assembly
  1. Attendance, delegation and voting documents
    1. Attendance letter template
    2. Delegation by post template
    3. Email vote template
    4. Distance vote template

- Access to the Shareholders’ Digital Forum

- Regulations of the Shareholders’ Digital Forum

2018 General Shareholders' Meeting

Available documents:

2017 General Shareholders' Meeting

Available documents:

Regulations of the General Shareholders´ Meeting