Financial Information

Main figures

Q1 2024 Results Presentation

Download our presentation277 Kb

Breakdown of sales by sector and geography

  • Sustainable Services 70%

  • 360 Projects 30%

  • Europe & Africa 54%

  • America 36%

  • Asia & Oceania 10%

Quarterly turnover evolution

  • Turnover Evolution

  • EBITDA Evolution

  • Attributable Profit Evolution













2016: 612

2017: 719

2018: 832

2019: 947

2020: 911

2021: 1035

2022: 1116

2023: 1193

2016: 47

2017: 58

2018: 72

2019: 104

2020: 80

2021: 111

2022: 123

2023: 145

2016: 22.0

2017: 26

2018: 27

2019: 33

2020: 13

2021: 42

2022: 31

2023: 44

  • 2016: 612 M€

  • 2017: 719 M€

  • 2018: 832 M€

  • 2019: 947 M€

  • 2020: 911 M€

  • 2021: 1035 M€

  • 2022: 1116 M€

  • 2023: 1193 M€

  • 2016: 47 M€

  • 2017: 58 M€

  • 2018: 72 M€

  • 2019: 104 M€

  • 2020: 80 M€

  • 2021: 111 M€

  • 2022: 123 M€

  • 2023: 145 M€

  • 2016: 22.0 M€

  • 2017: 26 M€

  • 2018: 27 M€

  • 2019: 33 M€

  • 2020: 13 M€

  • 2021: 42 M€

  • 2022: 31 M€

  • 2023: 44 M€

Company presentation

Company presentation2783 Kb

Average period of payment to supplier

Suppliers are vital to the quality of our services and projects. This is why we strive to adapt to their legitimate expectations: optimum price, fair payment conditions and partnerships that allow us to share our innovation endeavours.





2022 2023
61 days 61 days


Contact our Investor Relations team


Patricia Berjón

Patricia Berjón

Corporate Development Manager