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Dominion Global

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9MW photovoltaic solar park in the Dominican Republic. DOMINION took on the task of building the photovoltaic plant in this Caribbean country, with an offer that included everything from the design and construction of the plant to its operation and subsequent maintenance.
El Soco
El Soco
Refractory Lining for WtE Plant in Istanbul. Engineering, material procurement, supply and installation of the refractory lining in three boilers of the Waste-to-Energy plant in Istanbul. Inspection, maintenance and repair services to ensure the reliable operation of the plant.
WtE Istanbul
WtE Istanbul
Construction of photovoltaic plant in the Dominican Republic, strengthening a joint commitment to renewables.The 66,8MWp solar plant was built by DOMINION in the San Antonio de Guerra area, province of Santo Domingo.
Mata de Palma
Mata de Palma
Design and construction of two 45,000m3 domes on Reunion Island (France). On August 2020, DOMINION was selected by ALBIOMA to design and build the new wood pellets storage domes for their import terminal in Reunion Island.
Boosting solar energy in the USA. We have turnkey solar tower design and construction capabilities, which we complete with additional mechanical assembly services at the plant.
Solar towers
Solar towers
Comprehensive logistics services and operations for industrial plants.
Logistics containers
Logistics containers
DOMINION has been deploying, commissioning and maintaining medium and low voltage power grids for ENEL in Chile, Colombia and Peru since 2019.
Distribution lines for Enel
Distribution lines for Enel
Technological integration at the Antofagasta Regional Hospital (Chile). The integral turnkey design and implementation of technology for the new Antofagasta Hospital, being the "end to end" party responsible for incorporating the equipment, clinical systems and information systems, as well as their operation and maintenance for a term of 15 years.
Antofagasta Hospital
Antofagasta Hospital
DOMINION performed the interior and exterior roof of tank 107 of the Cepsa Refinery Gibraltar-San Roque facilities in San Roque, minimizing the risks and recovering the maximum amount of crude oil allowing it to be put into service in the shortest possible time.
Automatic Tank Cleaning
Automatic Tank Cleaning
Phone House
Phone House
DOMINION managed the design and implementation of the medical equipment and technological infrastructure of the multipurpose hospital Sant Joan Despí in Barcelona in just 20 weeks.
Sant Joan Despi Hospital
Sant Joan Despi Hospital
Fibre deployments for Telco companies. DOMINION has been involved in this type of project since 1999, contributing to achieving a better internet connection.
Telecommunication networks
Telecommunication networks
At DOMINION, the safety and health of our employees comes first. Our team in Chile has undergone several trainings and practice exercises in controlled environments.
Health & Safety
Health & Safety
Turnkey development of a biomass plant in Argentina. DOMINION developed a turnkey biomass plant of 18 MW in Santa Rosa, Argentina, covering from design to commissioning of the infrastructure.
Biomass Plant
Biomass Plant
Our B2C offices in Madrid, Spain.


Chief Executive Officer - CEO
Mikel Barandiaran Landin
Mikel Barandiaran Landin
Managing Director
Roberto Tobillas Angulo
Roberto Tobillas Angulo
From left to right: Susana Álvarez (B2C Director), Mikel Uriarte (CFO), Germán Pradera (Multitechnical Services Director), Francisco Rionegro (360º Director), Mikel Barandiaran (CEO), Carmen Gómez (People & Culture Director) and Roberto Tobillas (Managing director).
Management committee
Management committee
Teamwork, motivation and enthusiasm are the driving forces behind the personnel working at DOMINION.


DOMINION promotes innovation with the 2nd Edition of its Intrapreneurship Contest

After the success of the first edition, the company launches a new call to reward innovative ideas and projects developed by its team.

DOMINION increases EBITDA by 4% to 151 million euros in 2024

The company generates €76 million in cash flow before investments and divestments, and will propose at the AGM a dividend payout of €15 million in 2025

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