The environment
Climate change is a global concern and it is our responsibility to take action.
Climate change and a proper use of resources
Part of DOMINION's Sustainability Strategy involves the ongoing reflection on the impact of climate change and on the proper use of resources. As a result of this analysis, the company has reached a number of conclusions that have served to enhance its Strategic Plan.
- On the one hand, we have adapted our range of services and projects to better meet our customers' needs, in order to be more efficient and sustainable. (see Doing)
- On the other hand, we have developed a plan to act on the risks identified and to calculate and mitigate our impact on climate change and the use of resources.
Measurement and mitigation
Our activity has a low environmental impact, given that there are almost no manufacturing processes. Nevertheless, in order to put into effect the content of its Strategic Plan, DOMINION is fully aware of the need to measure and mitigate any impacts. To this end, we calculate our carbon footprint and the consumption of resources and seek ways to reduce these metrics.
DOMINION calculates the carbon footprint with three scopes. For this process and subsequent calculations, we make use of an external tool that is based on the principles of ISO 14064. Apart from the intensity reduction goals, each year DOMINION also aims to widen the perimeter of the impacts covered in each of the different scopes.
However, DOMINION's commitment is not just limited to making an increasingly more accurate calculation of these impacts, we are also committed to progressively reducing the impacts and mitigating emissions. In this respect, a significant factor is our carbon footprint compensation, through the production of renewable energy. We are also reducing the carbon footprint associated with the activities of each of our suppliers, by giving priority to local products and suppliers.
Total 2023 Carbon Footprint Calculation:
Scope 1 and 2 (t CO2) | 11,231 |
Scope3 (t CO2) | 32,023* |
In addition, we measure and report the following metrics:
2023 Audited Data
64,485Tn of CO2
Emissions avoided by the production of renewable energies
water consumption
Refurbished handsets
Our Commitments and Actions
At DOMINION, we have set ourselves a series of goals (see KPIs). To achieve these goals, we have established the following commitments and actions:
Cross-cutting actions
To address some of these goals, DOMINION has set in motion a number of initiatives directed at reducing these emissions, such as:
- The creation of an office guide that includes recommendations and obligations for the Company's offices and warehouses with regard to electricity and water consumption and recycling.
- A firm commitment to digitalisation, a key component of DOMINION's DNA, with tremendous potential to reduce the environmental impact.
- Energy audits of its buildings and the implementation of any improvements resulting from the analysis.
Commitment to Compensation
We are proud to report that the tonnes of C02 not emitted thanks to the production of renewable energy (handprint) is greater than the carbon footprint generated by DOMINION.
Actions in Projects and Services
- Our energy efficiency projects and environmental services are also to the benefit of our end customers, by making it possible to better manage their resources and to reduce their carbon footprint.
- We are reducing the carbon footprint associated with the activities of each of our suppliers, by giving priority to local products and suppliers.
- We are experts in ESIA within the scope of major 360º projects. Based on the characteristics of the project and the customer's needs, we conduct complex environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) in accordance with the highest international standards (IFC) and verified by third parties. These plans are supported by a set of improvement, compensation and restoration measures that are closely monitored.
These commitments and the scopes measured and the measures taken to either mitigate or correct them are fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) adopted by the company as part of DOMINION Board of Directors' decisionb to sign the United Nations Global Compact.