
increasingly more sustainable, measuring and mitigating our impact

Dominion Global


The path towards becoming a sustainable company, in line with DOMINION's own goals and our stakeholders' demands, is a path of continuous improvement, to which DOMINION is fully committed.


In order to correctly monitor its progress, DOMINION has selected five priority action areas and has defined goals and KPIs for these areas.  More information on each of these areas is detailed below:  

  • Environment

    DOMINION places emphasis on mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the transition to a circular economy.
  • Diversity and Talent

    DOMINION strives to employ a diverse team in which there is no room for discrimination, while offering a safe and attractive working environment in order to attract and retain talent.
  • Occupational Health & Safety

    DOMINION focuses on continuous improvement in order to protect its team and to stay in line with the high levels of our customers' enforceability.
  • Governance and Ethical Management

    DOMINION adopts the best industry practices. It has a diverse board of governors and applies responsible taxation.
  • Supply Chain

    At DOMINION there is a growing focus on adapting our standardisation, selection and procurement procedures in order to convey our commitment to our supply chain.


DOMINION's commitment to achieving these goals is reflected in a series of KPIs: