
Smart Data, at the core of efficiency in industrial processes

11 / 12 / 2018

Today more and more companies are exploiting and putting into practice the possibilities advanced data analysis offers them to boost their business.

“Numerous examples are to be found in our everyday life: platforms like Amazon, Netflix or Spotify use it to recommend us products, films and music respectively, while UBER and UPS exploit it to optimise their route planning, and different retailers rely on it to offer us personalised discount coupons. In the manufacturing sector, the main goal is to improve the industrial processes making them more efficient”

 Arkaitz Etxezarreta

Arkaitz Etxezarreta

| Data Engineer and Advanced Analytics Consultant

These new technological resources are made possible by a computing paradigm called Big Data. In industrial processes, data come from many sources and are gathered in real time and on a large scale, calling for advanced storage and processing systems. Big Data solutions are what make it possible to handle all this information and turn it into business opportunities.

In some areas Big Data has evolved into another concept called Smart Data, which prioritises quality of data over quantity and attaches greater weight to selective storage and processing of the information considered useful. This paradigm makes possible data analytics projects that have a real, tangible positive impact on process efficiency, with direct repercussions for the firm's profit and loss account or on the quality of services provided.

Dominion, leading digital transformation

Dominion specialises in the selective use of technology to achieve more efficient processes. The Digital Transformation solutions department works in two complementary areas to enhance its clients' business processes.

“On the one hand, it involves a specific consulting work to asess companies' digital maturity level, explain the different kinds of digital solutions available and identify the return on investment. On the other hand, we deploy and and manage the tech solutions these companies need to make progress in their particular digital transformation”, adds Arkaitz.


Dominion solutions are applicable to companies in all sectors, from insurance to energy, and especially in industry. In this field it has over 20 years of experience and has played its part in the different processes of transformation undergone by the sector. Over the last decade, Dominion has made a strong commitment to industrial digitalisation and has helped to implement new technology tools for its clients, tools able to boost the efficiency of both production and management processes.

In the sphere of Industry 4.0, Dominion is specialised in total management of the data life cycle, from collection through to the application of solutions using techniques like Machine Learning. This translates into high value-added solutions, including systems for logistics management, energy efficiency, reduction of wastage in production plants, predictive maintenance and enhancing preventive maintenance, early warning of tsunamis, fires and so on.

On 26th November this year, Dominion took part in the Basque Industry 4.0 event in Bilbao, one of the top forums in the sector which makes it possible to assess the degree of development of new technologies and their practical applications in industry. One of the principal conclusions of this event was that data must be considered as part of the raw materials that industry needs. We at Dominion share this vision and believe that it reinforces our commitment to digital transformation as an essential tool to create more efficient, competitive businesses.