
The RegTech Windrose Suite product line, invited to the Fintech Conference in Luxembourg

22 / 11 / 2017

Dominion's product line of regulatory compliance products has been selected by ICEX Spain and the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Brussels.

Technology and innovation continue to lead the way in the financial world. The line of compliance products developed by Dominion Digital, Windrose Compliance Suite, has been specially selected to participate in the Fintech Conference in Luxembourg.

Being aware of the importance of technical solutions for the financial sector, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, together with the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Brussels, in collaboration with House of Fintech - Luxembourg and the BCEE (Banque et Caisse d' Epargne de l' Etat, Luxembourg), have launched the conference held in what is known as the financial centre in Europe. All this, with the aim of encouraging contact between Spanish companies developing services or products aimed at the Fintech sector and Luxembourg private sector counterparts.

Windrose Suite has been chosen by ICEX and the Spanish Economic and Commercial Office in Brussels, among other reasons, thanks to its innovative and disruptive character. Framed within the RegTech field, Windrose enables efficient and effective management of regulatory compliance, which is essential for the institutions. To this end, the suite provides rapid adaptation to regulatory changes, greater process automation and drastic cost reduction.

A line of products that in short, represent Dominion's high capacity to put innovation at the service of efficiency, offering disruptive technological solutions in various sectors, designed to ensure maximum quality. Making the benefits of the digital age in which we are immersed available to the different assets of society.