DOMINION has signed a commercialization agreement for begiPLANT, the early detection system of fires in an industrial environment through artificial vision, with the Iturri group, focused on helping its Oil & Gas clients in the field of safety and protection of people, processes, goods and environment.
"Iturri is an ideal travel companion for Begirale in the Oil & Gas sector. His deep knowledge of the problems associated with security in this sector and his strong orientation to the client will be of great help in the expansion of our begiPLANT product, "

Iñigo Zorriketa
| Director de Begirale
begiPLANT is an innovative automatic fire and smoke detection system developed by the Artificial Vision area of DOMINION, Begirale. Through the aforementioned system, which uses Artificial Intelligence methods, an effective fire and smoke detection is possible thanks to the video-surveillance cameras installed in the plant. This is achieved by analysing in real time the video signals coming from the production and security video surveillance system, processing them in search of any incident in an autonomous way and in real time, generating the alarms instantly. Its installation is almost immediate as it is supported by existing infrastructure (video surveillance cameras of the plant) and perfectly complements the existing fire systems.
"This is a novel product worldwide and its incorporation into our portfolio reinforces its technological vitality. Our goal is to help our customers to be placed in the highest possible levels of security and begiPLANT will contribute to this in a significant way, "says Carlos Martínez, director of Oil & Gas of Iturri.
Begirale Controlling Risk, the area of artificial vision of DOMINION, has developed in recent years several innovative products worldwide that allow the automatic detection of situations of risk in different areas of sectors as diverse as the industrial or the railway, through the use of artificial vision technologies and artificial intelligence.
On the other hand, the Iturri group is focused on helping its Oil & Gas clients, among other sectors, in the field of safety and protection of people, processes, goods and the environment, providing tailor-made, innovative and sustainable solutions with a high technical and innovative component. The difference that Iturri brings is in the ability to provide tailored solutions, based on personal closeness to the client, a deep understanding of their problems and their global knowledge.