
Environmental services and energy consumption: local responses for a global environmental emergency

09 / 12 / 2019

In recent days the focus of the media all over the world has been on the transatlantic journey of the Swedish environmental activist, Greta Thunberg, to Madrid. This week the Spanish capital is the epicentre of one of the most urgent debates on the world stage: climate change. More than 25,000 experts are in Madrid for the annual United Nations Climate Conference – this edition is COP25- to discuss the challenge faced by the planet. 

In recent years, largely driven by human demand for resources, a rising standard of living and the growth of the world's population, climate change has become a challenge on a worldwide scale that does not leave anyone indifferent. Environmental trends present threats and vulnerabilities that need to be dealt with differently, so there are new business opportunities in the field of the green economy.

In a constantly evolving scenario, the concept of sustainability means that institutions and large and small companies have to reinvent themselves and undertake new commitments. To do this, they need to pay special attention to all their activities that directly or indirectly affect the conservation of the environment: this is where environmental services and energy management become important.


DOMINION, supporting an environmentally sustainable strategy

Environmental services cover all the phases of the value chain, from the prevention and cleaning of waste to its treatment and recycling. The controlled cleaning of contaminating substances and the management and treatment of water in industry, or the cleaning of sewerage networks and the maintenance of installations in urban environments are just some of the services that can make a difference in terms of caring for the environment.

In its quest to respond to these challenges, DOMINION incorporates environmental services within its One Stop Shop concept, once again providing its clients with all the services required.

DOMINION constantly incorporates the best sustainability practices and applies its digitization capabilities to all the activities in its range of environmental services. As well as proposing efficient solutions to improve energy consumption and the waste generation, DOMINION applies the latest technologies in each of the areas it operates in, making it possible to achieve efficiencies throughout the value chain.


A commitment to clean energy

Furthermore, the management of energy consumption and the transition to clean energies is one of the areas that will generate the greatest impact in the long term for society and, as a result, it is on the agenda of institutions and companies. Moving towards a lower-emission energy model involves implementing saving and efficiency mechanisms, changing from fossil fuels to renewable energies and making a distributed generation model -which is already starting to take its first steps- a reality.


Mata de Palma placas solares Repblica Dominicana

DOMINION wants to help to make this change possible, which is why it has developed a value proposition that goes from the design and construction of large renewables facilities to the installation of made-to-measure self-consumption systems for companies and private owners. The maintenance service for these facilities round off the company’s range of services, together with the implementation of technology to improve energy efficiency.

In the case of renewable generation plants, DOMINION is currently working on a number of projects based on different green technologies: photovoltaic, wind and biomass. These projects will be a major milestone in the energy transition in the areas where they will be implemented.


Technology at the service of the environment​

Basically, both propositions can be summarized in the implementation of technology to manage waste better and reduce CO2 emissions. DOMINION's efficiency proposition has also been applied to environmental problems, where there is a lot of work to be done in the next few years to achieve the ambitious -but necessary- targets set in the agreements reached at world level.

We all need to make a commitment and take steps in that direction if we are to leave future generations a legacy that they can be proud of. We are ready. Are you?