
DOMICAP: Our training program for Telecommunications Technicians in Chile

18 / 04 / 2023

After being awarded with a new contract, our Telecommunications area in Chile had to hire 230 new Customer Service technicians in 2017. A huge challenge that led to the creation of one of the most innovative projects of the team, the process of Internal training of DOMICAP specialists.

In the middle of 2017, the home internet market continued to expand and was in the process of changing the technology towards Fiber Optics. This forced the telco companies to improve their commercial offer and to look for companies that would provide them with services capable of improving the efficiency of the processes. Also, there was a high demand for technical personnel specialized in customer service that exceeded the existing offer at that time.

The transformation of this business was advancing at great speed and our team in Chile faced the need to hire 230 technicians after winning a major contract in the telecommunications sector. This is how we began the first pilot of the project that today we call “DOMICAP”. We needed to massively hire Customer Service Technicians with a multiskill profile and experience in field work. To do this, we devised a theoretical and practical learning program that would allow us to train people without previous experience in this field.

The Challenge

One of the main weaknesses of the hiring process at that time was the lack of professionals in the area capable of meeting our quality standards. The contract required excellent performance and compliance with demanding KPI's. For this reason, we needed to have the best talent, with people willing to commit to the project aligned with the DOMINION culture and our way of doing things.

Starting the project for an “Customer Service Technician School” was an ambitious investment and meant not having enough personnel in the immediate term. However, we believed in this project, so all that was left was for our client to also bet on this challenge. Something that fortunately happened, because for them it also represented an advance in the evolutionary line of the market.

Start from scratch

We started with an intensive recruitment campaign. We went to technical schools, actively posted job offers on social media and plastered the city with ads. We were looking for people over 23 years of age with an interest in the telco area and a driver's license, so the acceptance was massive, receiving 1,143 CVs to date.

We personally interviewed each candidate, we selected the most suitable ones and in a few weeks, the first DOMICAP program began to function with 48 students. Our objective was to train technicians who had experience on the job, but with a completely new training, updated to the needs of the sector, the demands of the contract and the increasing empowerment of the consumer.

Improving the process

In 7 years we have been perfecting this learning system. The first DOMICAP courses were taught exclusively by our staff, who taught based on their experience and knowledge. We managed to build our own pedagogical framework, which today serves as a teaching model for other companies.

We have significantly improved both internal and external processes. Today we install 5 home products on average, having an error rate of only 13% compared to the 40% average for the sector.

Model consolidation

Currently, our ATC technicians are multiskill, multi-technology and multi-operator. The success of this project prompted the dominant market operator to replicate this system with national education centers, making DOMINION a strategic ally in the process.

Internally, we form a team from scratch. Today, 90% of the personnel in the field and 50% of the administrative staff come from some DOMICAP training program.

At DOMINION we not only believe but also are committed to the development of talent, providing opportunities but also the tools to grow.

Claudia Sturla

Claudia Sturla

| Telecommunications Operations Manager in Chile

To date, we have carried out 34 DOMICAP programs, including the first training process in the Bio-Bío and Ñuble regions during 2022. We have reached more than 180 thousand school hours, more than 500 technicians trained and a 50% permanence in the company.