
Digital transformation: the challenges of adapting to a constantly-changing scenario

14 / 03 / 2019

Digital technologies are radically transforming all spheres. thus changing consumer habits.

Binary code and its sequence of ones and zeros is propitiating a paradigm shift characterised by the high speed at which changes come about. It is a scenario that presents multiple challenges, but also offers new opportunities for companies to grasp, not only to incorporate technologically advanced solutions into their production systems, but also to embark on a cultural change within their own structure that makes it possible to build more flexible, efficient organisations, creating new business models and drastically transforming existing ones, which are increasingly oriented to providing a fast, appropriate response to the customers' specific needs.

"As human beings we are resistant to change, but if we do not change and adapt to new circumstances, we are condemned to perish in a figurative - and sometimes a literal - sense. With these words the head of Last Mile at Dominion, José Beny López Piñeiro, underlines the importance of not being left behind by the revolution driven by digital technology, which presents both challenges and opportunities.

For López Piñeiro the digital transformation process is a dynamic concept, one in which the boundaries between products and services are blurred, rigid barriers to entry to sectors are weakened and the curve of adopting technology and learning is dramatically shortened. If anything defines the present moment it is the accelerated pace at which each new technology is generated and the speed at which these novelties fall into obsolescence.

"The cycles of adopting technology are getting shorter and this phenomenon has a direct impact on the business management model because companies have to take decisions about when and how to invest, divest and reinvest much more quickly.  Technological progress is much faster than payback on the investment. Technology is subjecting companies to serious financial and balance sheet tensions," assures the expert.

Global view, selective approach

And how does Dominion work in this context? By offering an eminently practical approach, one that makes it possible to solve clients' specific problems but without losing sight of the global dimension inherent in the digital transformation process.

"Our approach is based on selective adoption of technology, entirely adapted to the specific needs of each business, seeking to break down barriers to entry and exit. It is a model that enables our clients to adapt flexibly to the needs and challenges imposed by their environment and markets, without remaining captives to this investment and with an ROI and an ROA suited to companies' development," adds López Piñeiro.

Dominion therefore applies a selective digitalisation of processes, seeking maximum potential for generating efficiency, placing the focus on innovation and developing and deploying technology tools and platforms in different strategic sectors like industry or telecommunications. The service model implemented by the company is oriented to digitalising those processes that are key to its clients' productivity and profitability.

"At Dominion we work together with the client, fitting ourselves into their operations as far as the client sees fit, aligning ourselves with their goals and adding value measured in terms of improvements in the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of their production processes. We propose an integrated model of provision and management of services aligned with our clients' strategic and tactical goals," adds López Piñeiro.

This approach penetrates different sectors to varying extents, as there are some that have joined this new wave of outsourcing of services in a more generalised, sophisticated way than others. Specifically, in the telecommunications field operators have outsourced high added-value processes, a trend that has enabled Dominion to expand its capacity to provide critically important services. 

"There has been an evolution of the paradigm of outsourcing services which particularly affects the telecommunications field, in which operators have outsourced key aspects, so sharing with their suppliers areas with high potential for generating added value, especially with regard to the end client, something that has proved highly beneficial for us," according to the expert. However, strangely enough a phenomenon is occurring that leads to a reverse in this trend, at least in the telecommunications sector, while other opportunities are opening up in other areas like that of industry.

Telecommunications as a model

The telecommunications sector is characterised by seeking satisfaction for its clients, as users' loyalty and continuance depends on this, on a highly competitive market with high levels of penetration.

Dominion provides services for various telecommunications operators on very different markets and adapts to the requirements of such a demanding business model, something that enables it to anticipate the requirements of other sectors that are not currently so advanced.

We offer our services to different operators internationally, so we are obliged to adapt to a highly demanding business model and to do this it is essential to devise a digitalisation strategy that assures the levels of quality and efficiency demanded by our clients in the main production processes they run,"

José Beny López Piñeiro

José Beny López Piñeiro

| Head of Last Mile

In this respect, Dominion has a total management platform which, on the basis of inter-connection with its clients' existing systems, allows - among other things - automation of the processes of reception and close of activities, optimisation and consequent increased efficiency in the processes of assigning jobs to each field engineer and real-time monitoring of the different performance indicators set by clients.

"In short, this digitalisation model seeks to implement an ecosystem of management and optimisation of processes that allows all the parties and departments involved to be interconnected," he concludes.