Diversity and Talent

The success of a diverse, expert and committed team

Diversity and Talent
Dominion Global

DOMINION's success is down to its more than 12,000 employees, working in many different countries around the world. We seek to provide a work environment in which our employees can develop their full potential at all levels.

We promote equal opportunities and are committed to generational, cultural and gender diversity, the integration of people with different abilities, the promotion of decent, quality employment, the rejection of child and forced labour, respect for freedom of association and collective bargaining, and the alignment of the interests of our employees with the strategic goals of the company.

We take a reference the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at work and the principles of the Global Compact.


Sustainability indicators: technology as a basis for coordinating a diverse workforce


Given our extensive geographic and sectoral distribution, greater effort is required to be able to ensure correct monitoring of compliance with our corporate principles, and also to obtain data that will allow us make decisions with regard to any necessary improvements.

To this end, DOMINION makes the most of technology as a means to obtain up-to-date and complete information, processed in an advanced BI system.

Our way of working makes it possible to monitor an extensive number of sustainability indicators in the area of people management, which are published annually in the Non-Financial Information Statement. This statement is audited by independent third parties and is part of our COMMUNICATING pillar of action. 



Committed to diversity


Diversity is one of the cornerstones for People & Culture at DOMINION, not only because this one of our commitments as a company as a whole, but also because we believe that it plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining the best talent. At DOMINION we have developed and implemented a number of policies and initiatives designed to make progress in terms of equality.

Under our Code of Conduct, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination. Any allegation that we receive via our Whistleblowing Channel is assessed confidentially and handled accordingly.

Geographic diversity

Our DNA is made up of diversity, multiculturalism, teamwork and respect for values and culture. Our more than 12,000 employees represent 77 different nationalities work in 29 countries. 

Gender diversity

DOMINION is committed to promoting the presence of women in executive roles in light of the gender bias associated with the business sectors and the countries in which we have a strong foothold.

DOMINION is party to the Diversity Charter, the European charter of principles to highlight our commitment to occupational diversity and inclusion. Furthermore, in May 2021, coinciding with the European Diversity Month, we launched an awareness-raising campaign and publicised a number of initiatives such as our membership of the STEAM Alliance for female talent and our participation in the Target Gender Equality programme of the Global Compact.

Generational Diversity

There are currently four generations of professionals working together at DOMINION. We have implemented mentoring programmes to pass on the expertise of our senior staff to the younger members, who in turn offer greater entrepreneurial and digitalisation skills. 

Our people 2023


  • Women 17%

  • Men 83%


  • <30 21%

  • 30-50 61%

  • >50 18%

Geographical area

  • Europe 38%

  • America 50%

  • Asia / Oceania 12%

Job category

  • Skilled worker 69%

  • Technician 19%

  • Clerical staff 7%

  • Manager 4%

  • Director 1%