Dominion Digital Banking and Insurance

Our specialization is implementing solutions base don digital transformation in the financial and insurance sector

Dominion Digital Banking and Insurance
Dominion Global

Digitalization and technology to provide solutions to the new digital challenges

We are banking. We are insurance. We are technology.


We offer technological solutions to the new digital challenges that companies have to face. Always with the customer at the forefront of our digitalization processes.

  • We design your digital strategy, relaying on automated marketing tools.


  • We make your day-to-day at work a more efficient place through robotization.


  • We propose solutions that facilitate the automatic compliance with regulations.


  • We help you with the stat-up and the monitoring of your digital processes.


Digital marketing strategy

We work in every phases of the creation of comprehensive digital strategies. We design and create digital products, manage 360º conversion-focused projects and automate digital marketing processes with a focus on optimisation.

RegTech solutions

We develop solutions that facilitate intelligent and automatic compliance with the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing regulations. We transform regulatory compliance into competitive advantage.

Robotic processes automation ot RPA

We are specialists in the implementation of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) at enterprise level.

Service centre

As a Service Centre, we help and accompany companies in their digital transformation processes.

From the service to the solution

Digital marketing strategy

RegTech solutions

Robotic processes automation ot RPA

Service centre

We accompany you in the digitisation processes of your company

Contact us to know about our digital solutions.

We are here to help you with your Project

Contact us and let’s start improving your company's efficiency through innovation.