Integration of HubSpot in the digital marketing strategy of one of our clients

Digital Solutions

Design an integrated digital marketing strategy thanks to the HubSpot marketing automation tool for one of our clients in the financial and insurance sector.

Digital Solutions

Design an integrated digital marketing strategy thanks to the HubSpot marketing automation tool for one of our clients in the financial and insurance sector.

The challenge

Our client presented us with the need to evaluate the implementation of a new CRM with a clear commercial and productivity objective. The initiative arose to provide the network of collaborators and sales agents a system that would help them to improve their sales, analytical and process capabilities, in order to subsequently evaluate the impact of working with advanced productivity tools.


For this purpose, a test/pilot was carried out with a representative sample of their sales force (between 30 and 40 years old) made up of collaborators and external agents.


Dominion plus

Dominion Digital Banking & Insurance designed and developed a strategy for the implementation, development and start-up of the pilot test with the use of HubSpot's CRM tool.

This implementation strategy was developed in 5 phases:

  • Consultancy and working sessions
  • Technical configuration of HubSpot CRM
  • Database import
  • Sales team training
  • Onboarding


The implementation of a new CRM will bring a series of results and benefits for the company's commercial department.


Firstly, the new system will enable the sales staff and agents to improve their sales skills, which will result in an increase in productivity. With advanced information processing and analysis tools, employees and sales agents will be able to make informed decisions in real time and adapt their sales approach to customers' needs and preferences. This will not only increase team efficiency, but also improve customer satisfaction and ultimately increase sales.


Another benefit of the implementation of the new CRM is the improvement of business processes. With the new system, this client will be able to optimise its sales processes and reduce the amount of time employees and sales agents spend on administrative and follow-up tasks. This will allow them to focus on their core sales work and increase the amount of time they spend interacting with customers and closing sales.


Finally, the proposed test/pilot will allow our client to evaluate the impact of working with advanced productivity tools on their sales force. This will allow them to identify areas for improvement and fine-tune the system before implementing it on a large scale. Ultimately, the implementation of a new CRM will help them to improve its sales capabilities, optimise its commercial processes and increase its overall productivity.



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