
We won the "2020 safety award" for our work for Repsol in Tarragona

28 / 04 / 2021

A recognition that aims to raise awareness about the importance of the safety practices at Repsol.

Today is the World Day for Safety and Health at Work and we want to congratulate our Environmental Services team that operates at the Repsol plant in Tarragona for receiving the ‘2020 Safety Award’.

A recognition that aims to raise awareness about the importance of the safety practices at Repsol. DOMINION was chosen among more than 50 companies for our commitment with the Safety Coordination tasks, the involvement of the prevention technicians in the Annual Work Days or the participation of the employees in the training programs, among other issues.

The award was announced in the 1st General Meeting of Repsol 2021 with more than 250 attendees.

This award is a recognition of the continuous work carried out by all the DOMINION team and our effort to improve safety practices at all levels

Núria Barceló

Núria Barceló

| Responsible for Prevention, Quality and Environment

Our commitment to people

At DOMINION we are committed to the health, safety and well-being of our team. Accordingly, our main goal is to to minimise the accident rate by ensuring compliance with the labour regulations in force, the implementation of training plans in line with job and workplace characteristics, fostering preventive culture and ensuring the necessary human and technical resources to monitor the health of our employees.

We strive for safety to serve as a distinguishing factor which is why we rely on digital tools whereby the degree of compliance of people and facilities can be verified quickly. This facilitates quick decision-making for improvements, when required. A commitment that we apply to all the companies with which we collaborate.