
“We have been able to anticipate, diversify and adapt quickly to new trends and needs in the Mexican industrial market to continue growing”

08 / 01 / 2020

Michel Yehuda Mexico
Dominion has been growing in Mexico for almost 20 years.

It is the country where it began its internationalization process, one which has always been a key pillar for the company. Michel Yehuda, who has been involved in the project since the start, tells us about his vision of the industrial sector in Mexico and how the division he heads ties in with Dominion’s other activities to create a differentiated value proposition. 

Could you give us a brief introduction to your work and the line of business you lead?

Above all, I would like to thank Dominion for the 20 years I have worked and grown with the company, during which time I have been privileged to head the team that makes up the Industrial Line in Mexico. We provide a range of advanced monitoring, testing and measuring solutions for industrial sector clients. We are also the exclusive master-distributor in Mexico of Fluke, a world leader in industrial measurement solutions, as well as of several other brands. 

What is the value proposition that make you stand out?

In the last 20 years, together with Fluke we have made major investments to ensure that our measurement solutions have become the main sector benchmark in the country. We continually design innovative strategies and high-impact strategies to satisfy the needs of our clients through four main strategic approaches. First, a strong national structure of engineers who provide technical support, and highly skilled sales executives who are in constant touch with our clients and with the sector in general. No local competitor has a similar structure. We also have a comprehensive network of distributors and we organize training sessions for industrial users in Mexico, with accredited laboratories for the calibration of our solutions and a local service network.


What other activities does Dominion carry out in Mexico? How do they relate to each other and what kinds of synergies emerge?

In Mexico, almost all Dominion’s capabilities are deployed in multi-technical services, specialised engineering and digital transformation services. There is a continuous flow of communication and cooperation between all the lines of business and we create synergies in technology, clients and know-how. For example, we share distribution channels with other lines of business, we supply measuring instruments to the multi-technical service line in the Energy area and we develop industrial efficiency projects together with the Digital Transformation team.


What is the current situation of the industrial sector in Mexico? What are the main market trends?

In recent years, the Mexican industrial market has undergone several major changes. On one hand, the manufacturing sector in general -and the automotive sector in particular- have seen a strong deceleration due to the protracted negotiations for the new free trade agreement with the United States. Furthermore, investments in the energy have received a major boost.  Dominion has become a key player in the private energy sector, in which it has built the biggest solar power plant in Mexico. In 2019, the trend in the sector has changed: the Mexican Government started to invest in the public energy sector, boosting publicly owned companies such as Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission. Although the country’s industrial GDP fell quite considerably in 2019, we in Dominion have been able to anticipate, diversify and adapt quickly to the new trends and needs of the industrial market. We have planned actions during the year to continue to grow and obtain a higher market share.


What is Dominion’s differential proposition in the industrial area?

We offer a wide-ranging portfolio of services and solutions to cover all the needs of our industrial clients. For example, we can organize training programmes and the advanced implementation of measurement systems, or we can directly manage our clients’ operation and maintenance processes. We also offer digital transformation services within the framework of Industry 4.0 to improve the efficiency of our clients’ production processes.


To what extent has Industry 4.0 been implemented in Mexico? What can Dominion contribute?

International trends in Industry 4.0, cybersecurity and energy savings have a strong presence in Mexico. Nevertheless, many local clients are still unaware of, or have a lack of confidence in, the benefits that the technological updating of their facilities will bring them. This is why have set up seminars on these trends in which we show that our solutions can facilitate their transition to Industry 4.0, improving their results and efficiency in the process.


Dominion has been in Mexico for several years and now has around 400 employees there. What are the values that have enabled the company to establish itself in the country?

I think what makes Dominion stand out from other companies is its culture of constant growth and its accessibility to everyone. I have experienced this in person, and my responsibilities have grown quickly within the organization. I also transmit this culture to the members of my team, encouraging them to grow personally and professional within the company. Dominion’s message is: if you have the skills, talent and a commitment to grow, Dominion is your best option. Likewise, once the growth objectives have been set, Dominion promotes decentralization by offering operational autonomy to each line of business and each executive. This makes day-to-work much easier, as it allows us to be flexible and focused on the things that help us to grow. 


recepcion oficina

What is the working atmosphere in the office like? In your opinion, what are most attractive features that Dominion offers its employees?

The working atmosphere in the offices in Mexico is pleasant, and one of professional excellence. Our suppliers and clients tell us that they sense a results-focused approach when they come to visit us. At the same time, we work hard on encouraging good relationships and well-being within the organization; we have a good soccer team, we train staff in Mindfulness, we organize strategic planning trips and celebrate birthdays together every month, etc. In 2018  we invested a lot of money in our new offices in Mexico City; they are at the forefront of technology and industrial design, and our team is very pleased with them. I think the new facilities have helped us to achieve an ever more productive and efficient working atmosphere.


Looking back, what gives you most pride?

I am very proud of the great team we have put together. We started out 20 years ago with 3 people and there are now 36 colleagues in the industrial line. We would not have achieved the excellent results in terms of growth and our considerable international recognition without their efforts and commitment.


What objectives have you set for the future?

Grow, grow and grow. Dominion is a big part of my family and my plans for future growth. I think there are many opportunities to continue supporting our clients and grow with them, taking advantage of our great team and the infrastructure we have in Dominion. The whole team is continually looking for new opportunities and new fields of application of the great value offered by Dominion.