
Presentation of the Report on Spanish Investment in Ibero-America

06 / 03 / 2018

Last Thursday, March the 1st was the presentation of the XI Spanish Investment Report in Ibero-America prepared by IE BUSINESS SCHOOL and in which 100 Spanish multinational companies participated, both the main ones of the IBEX 35 and others not listed with presence in the region.

 DOMINION contributed its experience in the region to the report and, in addition, Deo del Pozo, director of Dominion E&C LATAM, prepared the article titled “Investment, innovation and opportunities in Latin America”, highlighting the region's permanent emerging situation, which provokes the paradox that "they arrive the latest to development, but with the latest technology. This means that they gain speed in their development until they reach the next cycle”, in his own words, as well as that "in the industrial field, the opportunities for a company of engineering solutions and multitechnical services like us are huge".

On the other hand, the director also states in the article that "the return on investment can be very attractive. And our highly diversified corporate culture - both in sectors, activities and countries - minimizes risks and at the same time generates continuity in our activities in the region”. “To this end, our business model - based not only on Diversification, but also on the Digitalization of processes, financial Discipline and Decentralized management - has become the tool that adjusts to the needs and challenges of the region, and for this reason, we have opted for Latin America as one of the fundamental markets within our growth plan”, also highlighted Deo.

The report was presented during an event at the Casa de América in Madrid, attended by important personalities from the business community. The presentation of the report was followed by roundtable discussions on' Peru and the Pacific Alliance: the prodigious decade' and' Argentina and Mercosur: new opportunities', respectively.