The Valdecarretas photovoltaic park, with an installed capacity of 37.83 megawatt-peak (MwP), is located in Zamora (Spain) and has been operating since its commissioning last July.
The transaction, which has been closed at a price of approximately 980,000 euros per MwP, adds a total of more than 37 million euros. The buyer, Renewables Japan Co, together with its shareholder of reference Tokyu Land Corporation, is focused on the renewable assets IPP business with projects in Japan and Europe.
This deal is part of DOMINION's divestment strategy of its portfolio of renewable assets and its positioning as a provider of turnkey renewable projects to IPP clients, as the company detailed in the presentation of its strategic plan.
The sale of the Valdecarretas photovoltaic park represents another step in DOMINION's simplification strategy and progression back towards a zero net financial debt position. The company demonstrates its commitment to the objectives of its plan while to contributing to the energy transition through its renewable energy business line.