After its first year in the stock market DOMINION has been positively valued in the prestigious Informe Reporta 2017 , the study that evaluates the quality of the public information that companies in the stock exchange put in the disposal of its shareholders and interest groups. The good practices of DOMINION in matters of Corporate Social Responsibility and Investor Relations, have fostered the positive valuation of its performance during 2017. In its first year in the ranking the company has obtained a generous pass with 56,5 points; a punctuation that positions the company in the 50th position of 118 and places it on top of businesses already consolidated in the stock market.
This valuation arrives in a moment in which “we are new in the markets and we learn every day of the interaction with investors and analysts”, explains Patricia Berjón, Investor Relations manager. A valuation that “confirms DOMINION’s commitment to integrate social, environment and good governance aspects in its management strategy”, states Yago Barandiaran, Corporate Social Responsibility manager. In addition to that commitment, the objective of not “complying only with what is strictly regulatory, but as well looking for the best practices and approaching them”, adds Patricia.
The study is guided by four big principles: transparency, commitment, relevance, and accessibility. DOMINION has stood out in transparency and accessibility matters offering a complete information that allows the public know about the present and the future of the business in a clear and affordable way without stopping using the available information technologies.
“Transparency is one of the principal objects for which we work day to day. That’s why, entering in this ranking with a position like this encourages us to keep working and, for instance, find new ways of improving accessibility by using all the tools that we have within our reach”
Patricia Berjón
| Investor Relations Manager
For his part, Yago considers that the study “confirms the good situation that DOMINION has to confront the mandatory presentation of the Sustainability Report this year 2018”.
In conclusion, this evaluation means one incentive more for Dominion that everyday works for developing a compromised activity with all its interest groups with which he has the solid intention of evolving all together.