
We celebrate the General Shareholders' Meeting 2021

13 / 04 / 2021

The General Shareholders' Meeting took place this Tuesday, April 13

For DOMINION, 2020 has not been a lost year, but rather it has served to generate value and to continue advancing strategically in all our business segments. According to Mikel Barandiaran, CEO of DOMINION, "the full recovery of the company will come in 2021" which will allow us to recover the growth rate set in our strategic plan.

Regarding our projects, we have won the Buin-Paine hospital in Chile that will start its execution in 2022 and we continue to advance in the enhancement of our renewable energy division, which accumulates a portfolio of more than 1GW and that will add a strategic partner before summer.

In the services segment, we have continued with our planned divestment plan to invest in activities with greater added value. During the past year, DOMINION has signed new high-potential contracts in the energy and industry sectors and has acquired companies to expand its offer, such as Famaex, (a digital platform for B2B2C services) or the industrial companies Dimoin and Hivisan.

DOMINION has also approved the distribution of a third of its net profit in the form of a dividend, as stated in its plan, and maintains its own share buyback program. According to Mikel Barandiaran, the objective of this buyback is to continue increasing the creation of value for the shareholder. An initiative added to the achievement of our 2019-2023 Strategic Plan, which intends to double the net profit of the company and which would involve the distribution of an estimated dividend of more than 60 million euros in this period.

The full recovery of DOMINION will come in 2021

Mikel Barandiaran

Mikel Barandiaran


Sustainability: the key of our project

One of the main topics of the meeting has been our strategic commitment to sustainability. Despite the low impact of our activity, we have shown our commitment to being a more sustainable company with measurable and verifiable objectives.

For Antón Pradera, president of DOMINION, the environment, social responsibility and governance “are issues that are going to be fundamental in defining the economic and social world in the coming years. All this has generated specific needs in companies that require implementing new solutions”.

That is why DOMINION recently announced the creation of an Environmental Services unit to make company processes more sustainable. "We are going to continue helping our clients to be more efficient, and sustainability is now a fundamental element of that efficiency," assures Mikel Barandiaran. "We are focusing on sustainability in all our business segments, and we are going to do it even more in the near future," he concludes.