
DOMINION Digital Banking & Insurance, a new name to drive technological transformation in the Banking and Insurance sector

21 / 01 / 2020

Dominion has taken a further step in its commitment to drive digital transformation in the Banking and Insurance sector.

The business area keeps Abside's specialist expertise and strategic plan, but with a new profile aimed at boosting implementation of digital transformation solutions, and with a clear international orientation. Like this DOMINION is focusing its technological core on the Banking and Insurance sector, and transferring to the new brand its character as a global business with a presence in more than 35 countries around the world.

The corporate milestone represents a further step in the work done by Abside over the last two years to promote digital transformation in the financial and insurance sector, which has involved striving to give its clients a better service and add value to financial and insurance organisations. The basic aim of the new brand is to generate new business opportunities for its clients and boost the efficiency of their operations by rationalising and digitalising the key processes in their business.

Now is the time to forge ahead on this path and carry on opting for specialisation, placing the focus on adding value for our clients and on commonsense innovation.

Ignacio Hernández

Ignacio Hernández

| Head of Dominion Digital Banking & Insurance

This updated commitment to Banking and Insurance complements a wide range of digital transformation solutions offered by DOMINION, ranging from ad-hoc solutions to meet its clients' specific needs to more transversal digitalisation solutions.