
DOMINION receives a 25 million Euros loan from IEB to support its R&D programme

18 / 11 / 2016

EU finances Dominion's new innovation programme with a eur 25m "juncker plan” loan from the EIB.

Spanish business group Dominion, which offers multi-technical services and specialised engineering solutions, will be able to develop a new research, development and innovation (RDI) programme thanks to the support of the European Union via a loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB). EIB Vice-President Román Escolano and DOMINION's CEO Mikel Barandiaran today signed a EUR 25m Investment Plan for Europe loan at a ceremony in Bilbao. Most of this financing (77% of the total amount) will be used for the DOMINION group's innovation projects at its Spanish research centres in Bilbao, Seville, Madrid and Barcelona, with the remainder going to its centre in Ratingen, Germany.

This EIB loan will support the digitalization of production processes in some of the EU's key economic sectors, such as healthcare services management, telecoms and industry. In concrete terms, DOMINION will use this financing to implement a new programme enabling it to significantly expand the range of services and solutions it offers to its customers and strengthen the workforce of its research centres with highly qualified staff.

The loan signed today was made possible by the Investment Plan for Europe and represents a major boost to DOMINION achieving full financial independence, a process that began with its recent IPO. The long-term nature of the financing will also help provide the group with the stability needed to develop its strategic innovation plan over the coming years.

“This operation shows the EIB's commitment to RDI projects in Spain and across Europe. Supporting Spanish technology companies is vital if they are to continue to grow and hold a leading position in a highly competitive sector requiring major investment in innovation.”

Román Escolano

Román Escolano

| EIB Vice-President

El Vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea, Jyrki Katainen, ha declarado: «El Plan de Inversiones está apoyando empresas innovadoras como Dominion que crean empleos para sus regiones. Este préstamo del BEI, que está garantizado por el Fondo Europeo para Inversiones Estratégicas, permitirá que Dominion implemente un nuevo programa de investigación, desarrollo e innovación por el bien de sus clientes y de la competitividad.»

Por su parte, el Consejero Delegado de Dominion, Mikel Barandiaran, ha asegurado que «este préstamo dota a Dominion de una herramienta financiera fundamental sobre la que profundizar en su apuesta por poner a disposición de sus clientes soluciones y servicios de alto valor añadido, basados en la innovación y el conocimiento, que les permitan mejorar sus procesos productivos en cualquier sitio del mundo.»