Occupational Health & Safety

Our goal is clear: Zero Accidents

Occupational Health & Safety
Dominion Global

Our goal

Workplace health and safety must play a critical role at all companies, but at DOMINION we strive to make this issue on of our distinguishing factors, implementing our standards in all the geographies and sectors we operate in, always relying on digitalisation.


We believe in prevention and we don't settle for minimizing risks, our goal is clear: Zero Accidents.


Relying on digitalisation

DOMINION is committed to the health, safety and well-being of its employees. Accordingly, our main goal is to to minimise the accident rate by ensuring compliance with the labour regulations in force on this subject and in each geographical area, the implementation of training plans in line with job and workplace characteristics, fostering preventive culture with initiatives like our Stop Work Policy and ensuring the necessary human and technical resources to monitor the health of our employees.

We strive for health and safety to serve as a distinguishing factor which is why we rely on digital tools whereby the degree of compliance of people and facilities can be verified quickly. This facilitates quick decision-making for improvements, when required. A commitment that we apply to outsourced companies.


seguridad dominion

Health & Safety indicators

Given our extensive geographical and sectoral distribution requires extra effort to ensure appropriate monitoring of compliance with corporate principles, as well as obtaining information required to make improvement-focused decisions.

Our commitment to digitalisation means that we are able to monitor a significant amount of sustainability indicators regarding safety which we publish in the Non-Financial Information Statement every year.



   Total  Men  Women
Accidents 262 244 18
Frequency rate 9.74 11.03 3.09
Severity rate  0.49 0.57 0.09 
Accident rate during the working day  1,705.61 1,933.10 541.41