Human Rights and Social Action

A sound relationship of trust and interaction with the local community

Human Rights and Social Action
Dominion Global

Preventing rights violations

DOMINION complies with the legislation in force in each territory in which it operates. We are committed to respecting internationally recognised Human Rights, covering the rights listed in the International Human Rights Charter and the principles relating to the rights established in the Declaration of the International Labour Organisation.

Our commitment to human rights is embodied in our Human Rights Policy approved by DOMINION's Board of Directors and in keeping with our Code of Conduct.

DOMINION promotes the dissemination of Human Rights among employees as well as the Code of Conduct and the Whistleblowing Channel through our website and, physically, at the Company's offices. New hires are requested to sign the code during the induction process into the team.

Furthermore, we have set up our own Online University to instruct the Company's key executives with regard to different aspects of regulatory compliance. They must watch a video that addresses the values and principles governing the Company, follow a course relating to potential criminal offences and pass a test in this regard, as well as read and subsequently sign the Code of Conduct.



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Education: a key factor in our social action

As a socially committed company and member of the United Nations Global Compact, DOMINION aims to drive change in order to allow society to progress. Accordingly, as well as contributing through our business activity to progress and quality of life, we engage and take part in other activities of social interest in collaboration with non-profit organisations.

Our social action is centred on technology education, based on the guidelines of the Sustainability Committee.

We aim to engage in purposeful social action related to our experience and business core. This allows us to exercise the right control over activities and to ensure that the funds are used correctly. 
We make no contribution to political parties of any type, or to related organisations.