LYNX Smart Trace

The DOMINION platform for real-time traceability of the entire production process

LYNX Smart Trace
Dominion Global

A 360 view of the production process

LYNX Smart Trace provides a global vision of the production process, through the integration of dashboards in real time, which allows for quick decision-making in the face of any eventuality that occurs during the production process.

Every component, every piece or every batch of raw material must be traceable. It is the way to identify the origin of potential quality problems. A traceability system makes it possible to improve the proper use and reliability of information, and thus optimize the efficiency and profitability of the production process.

Our platform allows us to know exactly the setpoint values ​​used in the mechanical elements of the production process, being able to act against any deviation from them that compromises the quality of the final product.

The advantages of our platform

How we do it


industrial data


  • Customer relationship

    You will be able to describe the different stages of production, processing and distribution of the product

  • Anticipation

    LYNX will make it easy to immediately drill down into the data, enabling early detection of anomalies in the manufacturing process and speeding up decision making

  • Easy integration

    With existing information systems to define performance indicators and improvement objectives

  • Efficiency

    Controlling and evaluating the state of the raw materials that make up the final product allows us to guarantee the highest quality and efficiency in the production processes.

  • Digitalization

    It allows digital monitoring of all the checklist elements of the final product

  • Return of Investment (ROI)

    An automated and real-time traceability process can mitigate the costs involved in having to tackle a problem

How we do it



  1. Fase inicial de estudio: análisis del proceso productivo y de todas las variables asociadas al proceso de las diferentes estaciones de trabajo.
  2. Fase de definición y despliegue: diseño y despliegue de LYNX Smart Trace (hardware y software).
  3. Fase de ejecución y mantenimiento:
    • Integración del hardware en el sistema
    • Configuración, Parametrización y Puesta en marcha de LYNX Smart Trace
    • Control y Monitorización de datos
    • Análisis continuo del Sistema
    • Identificación temprana de anomalías y agilidad en la toma de decisiones, garantizando la mejora continua del proceso

Do you want to know more about LYNX?

Learn about the functionalities of our IoT platform and how we apply it with our clients.