Implementation of the Alert tool in important entities of the financial sector

Digital Solutions

ALERT is a comprehensive system for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing developed by Dominion Digital to facilitate the management of regulatory compliance in this area for financial institutions.

Digital Solutions

ALERT is a comprehensive system for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing developed by Dominion Digital to facilitate the management of regulatory compliance in this area for financial institutions.

The challenge

Compliance with the different regulations is a major challenge for the financial sector. Digitalisation has increased risks that companies have to face. In an environment where regulatory compliance is very changeable, digital levers are needed to facilitate and optimise the work of preventing, investigating and detecting money laundering and terrorist financing.

Dominion's Plus

Alert was designed to meet all these challenges. Our software is constantly evolving, aligning with new technologies.

We provide our clients with a demo so that they can get to know and test all the services provided by Alert.

Alert's integrated management allows you to:

  • To make queries to the client file.
  • Search for clients and operations (Screening).
  • Know your client to know the level of risk of their investment (KYC).
  • Transaction monitoring
  • Facilitate reporting to SEPBLAC and storage of reported files.
  • Consult all the global information of the alerts thanks to its dashboard.

With these functionalities, our clients carry out real-time searches of investors, optimise the management of false positives and avoid legal and reputational risks for their company.

We are currently working on the implementation of artificial intelligence in our application, facilitating its adaptability to any legislation, regardless of the geographical area and with a single click.


ALERT has been implemented in major financial institutions, providing our clients with information on more than 500 official lists of sanctioned persons, as well as information on Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs).

Once implemented in different banking entities, a reduction in the management time of the prevention unit was detected, as well as a reduction in reputational and legal risks, substantially improving their efficiency in the management of regulatory processes.

We are here to help you with your project

Contact us and we will start increasing your company's efficiency through innovation.