Design and implementation of a global digitalisation project

Digital Solutions

Design and reconstruction of the entire digital ecosystem of the websites of one of our main clients, as well as the implementation of a maintenance and support service for the technical and content updating of the websites.

Digital Solutions

Design and reconstruction of the entire digital ecosystem of the websites of one of our main clients, as well as the implementation of a maintenance and support service for the technical and content updating of the websites.

The challenge

The main challenge was to implement a global project to advance the digital transformation of our client, which belongs to the financial sector. The paradigm shift in the forms of consumption in this sector and in the relationship between companies and their audiences made it necessary to rebuild this client’s network of websites.


The objective was to create an efficient and integrated digital environment for the entire company that focused on usability and user experience.


Dominion's Plus

From Dominion, we launched our proposal for the design, reconstruction and implementation of the different web pages. Our objective was to promote the company’s web environments and that their clients could count with this resource to contact the company. Thus, focusing on the customer, we articulated a system of web pages focused on usability and also on conversion.


In addition to this project, we currently have a maintenance and support service for the company that includes a wide variety of areas of action. These include the development of web developments, the resolution of incidents and the communication service. With these, we sought to keep the websites the most optimized and updated as possible in order to respond to the needs of our client.



The reconstruction of websites and the implementation of these projects for the improvement of the digital channels has boosted the company’s digitalization process. In an environment full of digital challenges, accompaniment and advice on digital strategies its essential for the achievement of the company’s objectives.


Thanks to the implementation of this project, it has been possible to…

  • Web pages with the focus on usability and conversion.
  • Improvement of the user experience.
  • Environments adapted to the needs of the entity’s clients.
  • Updated web pages thanks to the maintenance service for both content and web evolutionary incidents.

We are here to help you with your preject

Contact us and we will start increasing your company's efficiency through innovation.