
We're now on Instagram

20 / 05 / 2021

Close and transparent communication with our audiences is our hallmark.

We use social media to reach and engage our audiences in a dynamic way. If you already follow us, you will know that we are very active in Twitter or LinkedIn, which allow us to talk about trends and share important news with you, as well as our values, future vision and new business areas that we add to our activity.

We are a very dynamic company, we always say that change is in our DNA and we strive to let you know everything we are and do, for that reason, we have also decided to join Instagram (@dominion_global), a channel that already exceeds the 1 billion active users worldwide.

Our goal is none other than to show you life at DOMINION more closely, our teams in more than 35 countries, our history and outstanding projects, as well as our initiatives and commitment to sustainability and people.

To sum up, we want you to get to know us even better. See you on Instagram!