
Technology to the rescue

26 / 02 / 2019

On 26 December 2004 an under-sea earthquake of over 9 degrees on the Richter scale, recorded at a depth of 4,000 metres.

The under-sea earthquake triggered a chain of gigantic waves that reached the coasts of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka. That tsunami killed more than 260,000 people -the exact figure will never be known- and devastated the landscape with such physical and emotional intensity that it is still hard to forget it one decade later.

Few things stay engraved in the memory in such a vivid way as images of a natural disaster. Controlling this kind of phenomena is a very complex task, although it is now possible to develop technologies and provide resources to improve prevention, activate early warning systems and improve the quality of the response. The objective is clear: to save lives and avoid damage.

Solutions to prevent, manage, mitigate and respond to emergencies in disaster situations should be designed from an overall perspective, and cover all the phases. In other words, the prediction of circumstances that trigger disasters, prevention mechanisms, early warning systems and resources to provide an immediate response.

Based on this 360° vision, Dominion develops end-to-end technology systems and turnkey projects that cover all the stages from initial prediction to the response resources of emergency and civil protection teams through the secure and reliable incorporation of technological solutions and the required resources.

By applying this formula, the company aims to provide the best response in scenarios of great complexity to help governments, institutions and agencies charged with dealing with natural disasters in areas and countries where the risk is high to mobilize the mechanisms and tools required to minimize the impact.

The latest technologies such as drones, meteorological radar systems and more traditional ones need to coexist and constitute a single, coordinated solution with the aim of saving lives. The projects to manage and mitigate emergencies are 360°, so they include finance management and require the integration of several technologies, with the added complexity of implementing the logistics and the large scale of these projects.


How do we do it?

Dominion's solutions cover systems that allow prediction and prevention and all response tasks through solutions that involve operational coordination, early warnings and the mitigation of emergencies.

Dominion uses its in-depth knowledge to propose end-to-end projects that combine the implementation and deployment of technology systems, supplies, machinery, equipment, support infrastructures and training, backup and maintenance services.


Basically, we supply, install, put into service, integrate and carry out the maintenance of a whole project.

To work on early warning systems, technologies will be developed in the areas of meteorological sensors, long- and short-range radar systems or solutions to detect tsunamis. Geo-radars or high-precision optical systems for the detection of landslips are other elements that provide life-saving assistance.

All the data generated by these systems are processed in a specialised platform based on predictive and statistical algorithms that enable early diagnosis.


No geographical barriers

Within its specialization in the development of 360º emergency management systems and in line with its international vocation, Dominion has carried out a project in Honduras for the Permanent Contingency Commission (COPECO). The aim was the modernization of the country’s environmental observation and civil protection equipment.

The initiative required a detailed study of all the stages of emergency management and the subsequent implementation of technological solutions and resources, as well as the training of the personnel involved.

Specifically, the project involved the design and installation of prevention and early warning systems, technical mitigation resources, support infrastructures and services to ensure sustainability.

For example, thanks to this cooperation effort Honduras now has the biggest meteorological radar in Central America, plus another high-precision radar in the north of the country and an extensive national network of meteorological stations.


This has also required the installation and integration of the Dominion ProAlert meteorological management platform, a system that activates early warnings through sirens, the Media, emergency services and telephone notices in a secure and efficiency way.

COPECO has also been equipped with the ProMeteo emergency management platform. Through the capture and incorporation of data and the monitoring of sensors and stations it is possible to detect natural disasters in advance in order to optimize decision-making.

COPECO has also been equipped with the ProMeteo emergency management platform. Through the capture and incorporation of data and the monitoring of sensors and stations it is possible to detect natural disasters in advance in order to optimize decision-making.