
Technology implementation to improve classification and delivery services

08 / 09 / 2021

We help Correos implement and maintain nearly 22,000 new portable devices.

The ecommerce boom is unstoppable, specially after the pandemic. According to IAB Spain -the communication, advertising and digital marketing association-, currently 76% of Internet users in Spain already buy online. We are talking about more than 25.8 million people who claim to buy through the web an average of almost 4 times a month.

eMarketer estimates that last year online sales grew by 27.6% worldwide.

There are many reasons why consumers are increasingly opting for online shopping. The main one, without a doubt, is the convenience of receiving any product at the door of your own home or at the nearest point just in a few days. All thanks to the streamlining of delivery processes that has allowed to reduce delivery times considerably. To all this we have to add the mobility restrictions and the closure or capacity limitation that physical stores have suffered during the worst months of the health crisis and that have caused new consumption habits that will continue in the post-covid future.

Aspects that have led to an increase in the volume of shipments and that have forced companies to adapt and speed up the handling, transport, delivery and return of orders.

In 2020, online sales grew by 27,6% worldwide



| eMarketer

We help Correos implement and maintain nearly 22,000 portable devices

In this situation, Correos -the leading operator in Spain-, decided to incorporate up to 22,000 latest generation portable mobility devices (PDAs) to improve their delivery services, as well as to provide their office services in rural areas.

Thanks to our knowledge of technological equipment and experience in improving the efficiency of logistics processes, we have been chosen for the implementation and subsequent maintenance of these new devices that will be distributed throughout the country.

Specifically, the devices selected by our team are 35% faster than the current ones and have five times more internal memory, which will allow the development of better applications. Their larger screen (5.5 inches) and weight of only 260 grams will facilitate transport and improve usability.

In addition, these new PDAs incorporate a pioneering technological improvement that allows customers to pay with their card. This functionality has started as a pilot and will be extended to more than 6,000 employees who work in rural areas distributed throughout the national territory.

Another example of how technology can improve efficiency, help generate business and improve both customer service and experience.