
DOMINION participates in the Industry 4.0 Forum

20 / 06 / 2018

On June the 27th, the Euskalduna Palace hosts the Industry 4.0 Forum "Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry 4.0", an event organized by the enerTIC Platform in which the leading consultancies, leading technology companies and energy companies offer their vision and experiences in the called the fourth Industrial Revolution.

 And as a reference in the world of Industry 4.0, DOMINION participates in this edition with a conference framed within the first session of 'Digital Transformation for a more competitive industry: Strategic Vision' by Ignacio Urigüen, Data & Digital Transformation Manager, who in his talk will develop the 'business opportunities of advanced data analytics in industrial scenarios'.

Among the other sessions that take place in the event are the 'Technologies applied to Energy Efficiency: Blockchain, IoT, Robotics, Augmented Reality, AI ...' (in session two); the 'Innovation and experiences to promote the Intelligent Factories' (in session three); the 'Energy Companies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution' (in session four); or the 'Industrial Companies at the forefront of innovation' (in session five).

DOMINION, reference of the fourth Industrial Revolution

The irruption of the IoT a few years ago made DOMINION materialize this concept in the industrial processes of its clients to achieve maximum efficiency.

The potential of energy saving of the new technologies and innovation applied to the world of manufacturing is one of the great opportunities in the new digital era; it is about promoting a more digital industry that prioritizes energy savings and efficiency, something that is also part of the 2020 Strategy of the European Union. Innovation opens a window of opportunity to reduce energy consumption, which can be a competitive differential factor in the medium term. A revolution oriented towards efficiency, of which DOMINION is not only a part, but also promotes while carrying out Industry 4.0 projects.