
DOMINION signs a contract with Enel to build and maintain electrical networks in Peru and strengthens its position in the electrical sector

03 / 04 / 2019

Dominion has won a contract to build, commission and maintain medium and low-voltage power networks for Enel Distribution Perú

This contract is the firm's first partnership with the electricity multinational, and represents a major endorsement of the capabilities developed by DOMINION in the area of building and maintaining infrastructures of this kind. Furthermore, this contract helps to reinforce DOMINION's commitment to the electrical sector in South America, a market with big business opportunities in which Enel has a strong position.

The contract is for the construction and maintenance of electrical installations in one of the areas of the central-northern part of Lima province, which includes the area of Callao, San Miguel and the airport, where industry rubs shoulders with major urban centres. It involves new installations including transformers, metering facilities, distribution lines, overhead and underground medium-voltage lines and, in general, all the area's electrical infrastructure and its maintenance over the next three years.

This deal is very important for DOMINION because of its size, but also represents a major step in partnership with Enel Distribution Peru. "Signing this contract with Enel is very important for DOMINION because it is a way to strengthen a strategic sector for us in a global level " states Xavier Cuadra, the head of Technology Services Business Development.

DOMINION's partnership with Enel was already a reality in other parts of the sector such as that of electric vehicles and charging points; however, this contract paves the way to working together in the field of power distribution on other international markets where DOMINION can benefit from its global operation capabilities. "DOMINION’s international footprint and multi-local operation capabilities have been without a doubt one of the main assets that helped us win this contract" explains Xavi Cuadra.

This profile of a global company was combined with DOMINION's multi-sector nature and the disruptive philosophy that sets it apart from its competitors. "We offer an important advantage in comparison with the competition that has been in the field for ever, and this is our total project management approach, from design to subsequent maintenance. It isn't just what we do, but how we do it. Our technological know-how enables us to design implementation of the network to maximise the efficiency of operating processes and maintenance in the future. And in the service sector we have a management platform that is unique in the industry. All this allows us to increase the efficiency of our processes to the maximum," concludes Xavier Cuadra.