
DOMINION joins the struggle against COVID-19 with the deployment of FarmaTools in the temporary hospital at the IFEMA exhibition centre

26 / 03 / 2020

The company is actively cooperating with all the means at its disposal to cope with the health emergency caused by Covid-19.

DOMINION’s digital team has been urgently mobilised and since last Saturday has been working to implement FarmaTools in the IFEMA pavilion. The aim has been to provide this temporary hospital with the same healthcare management capacity as the other hospitals that make up the Madrid health service, so giving the best possible service to the patients admitted there.

FarmaTools is used in almost every hospital in the Madrid regional health service. It is a technological platform that meets the full range of needs in terms of clinical management, administration and automation of hospital pharmacy. It includes safety tools to allow monitoring and minimise error risks in dispensing medication to patients.

The IFEMA field hospital is currently the biggest health centre in Spain, and plans to house over 5,500 patients. DOMINION is proud to cooperate with the SERMAS health services and workers at IFEMA, among other sites, to make it completely operational.