
DOMINION contributes to the 3rd national congress for CIOs with its expertise in Digital Transformation

29 / 05 / 2017

Javier Calera, from DOMINION Digital, and Anton Pradera, president of DOMINION and CIE AUTOMOTIVE, share their vision on Digital Transformation and its effect on companies.

The goal of this congress is to approach, through experts, the profound transformation that we are suffering in the las years. The congress will also revolve around how it is generating new ways of networking, of consuming and new ways of facing business challenges.

Javier Calera has talked about how infrastructure can stop being a cost and start being a business opportunity, as Amazon has proved with its Cloud services, which started as structure for its own e-commerce and now it’s the biggest provider of cloud services.

Anton Pradera shared his vision for the future, highlighting that organization culture has to change to exploit all the potential of the CIO and that departments can’t be “islands”, the have to be connected.

It was also remarked how the figure pf the CIO can help improve sales through technology. Not only sales, also every aspect of business, because the Digital Transformation has originated an environment where the CIO is the nexus between technology and the business needs of the company. This implies a change in the CIO’s role that moves from an operational role to a strategic position in the company.